Principal's Message

A Message from the Principal



My name is Kacey Ramos and I’m delighted and honored to continue being a part of the Jean Callison Elementary and serve as the new principal.Kacey Ramos Portrait Our school community is committed to keeping a student-centered mindset. We put students first in planning, facilitating, and executing all events. From classroom lessons, field trips, PTC events, assemblies, and project-centered lessons at Jean Callison Elementary we have a student-centered approach to learning.


My professional background is rooted in education and leadership. For the past fifteen years, I have worked in private and public education as a leader, RTI Coordinator, teacher, and grade level leadership advisor. I have served on many school committees that foster teacher support outside of the self-contained classroom. For example, Science Fair Coordinator, Site Council, Reading Intervention Coordinator for primary students. This is my fifth year at Jean Callison Elementary and I look forward to using these collective experiences as your new principal.


In addition to my professional achievements, my greatest accomplishment is my family. I am a wife to my loving, supportive husband, and a mother to two amazing children Kailey and Kurt. As a parent, I always want what is best for my children and will work tirelessly to ensure your child will have the best possible experience at Jean Callison Elementary.


This school year, I plan to work closely with Ms. Roberts, our Assistant Principal. Together we will ensure we support our students to attain their best academic experience, social emotional regularity, and teach Callison’s character traits. Thus, allowing our Callison Cougars to be exemplified leaders in society. It is imperative that we have a strong school community, where everyone supports and respects each other. In addition, at Jean Callison Elementary we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students and staff. With the support of our amazing Jean Callison PTC and teachers, we have great parental involvement, which fosters great climate and culture at Jean Callison.


Our school wide goal at Jean Callison goal is to facilitate Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) which are collaborative and professional learning models that bring together educators, teachers, administrators, and support staff in an educational setting to enhance teaching practices and improve student-learning outcomes.


I want to thank teachers, staff, and parents for their dedication and support in creating a successful learning environment. I am looking forward to a successful year for all students in mind, body, and spirit! 

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